The old man wept as he
outlined the details to his stunned audience. There was to be an
armistice on the next
day, Germany was now a republic, and the
Kaiser, the
nation's leader,
was to
abdicate. A Lance-Corporal, recovering from the effects of poison
gas, reeled away from the crowd. In his memoirs he wrote: "I staggered and
stumbled back to my ward and buried my aching head between the blankets and
Adolf Hitler,
a veteran of the War's worst firestorms, began to cry. It was
inexplicable; Germany, the nation of Aryans, the nation destined to
dominate the 20th Century had lost. He desperately sought a reason for
defeat. Imbued with a burning hatred of Jews, Bolsheviks and even
Democrats, the solution was simple - the country had been
stabbed in the back by Fifth
Columnists, or in Hitler's words: "a gang of despicable and depraved
The First World War
created the Dictator that the world would bitterly come to know.
The brutal propaganda, the carpet bombing, the terrifying military
technology, the demand to see a 'World in Flames' - all of Hitler's major
Second World War policies stemmed his experiences of the Great War.
He himself admitted this in
1941, saying: "When I returned from the War, I brought back home with me my
experiences at the front; out of them I built my National Socialist
community." Indeed, the seeds of Hitler's twisted Darwinian theories,
the ones that led to the creation of Auschwitz, were developed among corpses
littering the First World War's trenches and dugouts.
But an entire generation
had experienced the War and most, although haunted by its horrors, had
managed to return home and help rebuild a more civilised and more modern
society. Why was Hitler different? What had happened to him in
these years of conflict?
The story of Hitler's World
War One begins not in 1914, but five years earlier in 1909. Hitler was
living on the breadline in Austro-Hungary's capital city, Vienna. With
both parent's dead and his inheritance spent, Hitler eked out a living by
performing odd jobs, painting picture postcards or designing adverts for
local businesses. His aspirations had been dashed by two rejections
from the Viennese Academy of Art. At night he slept in a doss-house
behind a railway station.
Hitler sincerely believed
that he was an artistic genius. Thus he raged against the society that
had refused to recognise his talents. Unfortunately, the failed artist
was presented with numerous targets which he could vent his frustrations
upon. Edwardian Vienna, a city of high culture, art and elegance was
also a hotbed of anti-Semitism. The twisted racial theories were also
mixed up with heady notions of greater Germanic nationalism. These
philosophies gave the destitute Hitler a feeling of personal and communal
The young man would work in
fits and bursts. Hitler spent most of his time in the city's libraries
reading political tracts (or any other literature that fitted in with his
distorted world-view). He would also discuss and debate the latest
news with his fellow down-and-outs. Reinhold Hansich recalled: "he
would hang around the night shelters, living on bread and soup he got there,
and discussing politics." Anyone who disagreed with his views quickly
found themselves on the receiving end of an enraged rant about conspiracies
and Jewish plots.
By 1913 the failed artist
was becoming sickened by his homeland's efforts to modernise and to devolve
power (all be it very slowly). Rather than attempting to uphold an
already unravelled state, Hitler believed the authorities should cut their
losses and pursue an Anschluss, the unification of Germanic Austria with
Germany proper. In Mein Kampf he wrote: "My inner aversion to
the Hapsburg State was increasing daily... This motley of Czechs, Poles,
Hungarians, Ruthenians, Serbs and Croats, and always the bacillus which is
the solvent of human society, the Jew."
It was this, Hitler
declared, that drove him to travel to Munich: "I came to love that city more
than any other place known to me. A German city. How very
different from Vienna."
Yet Hitler was papering
over an important but rather inconvenient fact - he arrived in Munich as a
draft dodger. He was meant to have presented himself to the relevant
authorities as early as 1910. By 1913 he was being actively pursued by
the Austrian police. Once located in Munich, he was given the choice
of either appearing voluntarily at a board of inspection or face extradition
and arrest.
Fighting for the Austrian
Empire was an abhorrent idea for Hitler, however, he need not have been
worried - on 5 February 1914 he was turned down for military service due to
a lack of fitness. The Gestapo was ordered to find and destroy all of
the relevant files pertaining to this incident after the Nazis had occupied
Austria in 1938. Hitler was furious when told that they had gone
His fortunes had obviously
improved on his return to Munich. He was now able to rent lodgings.
Perhaps he was drawing a little more money from advertising commissions.
He still spent most of his time arguing politics in cafes or beer cellars.
And, as always, he carried on reading works that appealed only to his views.
By the summer of 1914 it would be safe to say that Adolf Hitler was
travelling on a road of disappointment and obscurity.
It was the cause of Germany
that held special appeal for him. Hitler asked for special permission
to enlist with a Bavarian regiment. He received the reply with baited
breath: "I opened the document with trembling hands; no words of mine can
describe the satisfaction I felt."
He added: "I sank down upon
my knees and thanked Heaven out of the fullness of my heart." Hitler
the crude provincial Austrian had become Hitler the German soldier.
The road to obscurity was no more - the chance for glory and for
recognition, the two things he craved most, were now open.
Hitler was enrolled in the
1st Company of the 16th Bavarian Reserve Infantry Regiment.
Unofficially it was known as the 'List' Regiment, named after its original
Commander, Colonel Von List. Interestingly, Rudolf Hess was a
volunteer in the same regiment.
He recovered his health
during the months of drill and training. On 8 October he took an oath
of allegiance to the Bavarian King Ludwig III. Many new recruits saw
the oath as an Army quirk; for the nationalistic Hitler it took on an almost
religious significance. Indeed, the oath represented a sacred contract
between him and his beloved Germany. The intensity of his beliefs
explain the extent to which Hitler felt betrayed on 11 November 1918.
He believed that whilst he had upheld his side of the bargain, the State
(hijacked by traitors), had reneged.
On 21 October 1914 the List
Regiment entrained for the Western Front. After a two-day journey they
reached Lille and were promptly attached to the 6th Bavarian Division in
Crown Prince
Rupprecht's VI Army. The German army was in the throes of fighting
the First
The early war engagements,
because of their less static nature, often appear to be less deadly than the
grand offensives made during the years of
trench stalemate.
Nothing could be further from the truth; unused to the murderous capability
of modern weaponry, commanders had their men advance in 19th Century fashion
with terrible results - swathes of 'assault' troops were mown down by the
firepower of accurate
and lethal
guns. The Bavarians arrived just after the famous and
semi-mythological Kindermord zu Ypren, the massacre of the Innocents
at Ypres. Hitler's regiment would shortly suffer a similar fate.
Hitler, much as we would
like him to have been a coward and a shirker, was in fact a very good
soldier. He remained calm under fire, showed respect to his superiors
and never questioned his orders. Whilst casualties mounted and morale
fell away, Hitler unstintingly carried on with his duty. He was
rewarded with a promotion to Lance Corporal.
As the fighting continued
the List regiment was used in a number of assaults just to the south of
Ypres. Facing the French this time, the Germans received yet another
mauling. Hitler earned an
Iron Cross
2nd Class in an engagement near Croonaert Wood, Wytschaete. During the
fighting and under heavy fire, Hitler, now appointed Meldeganger (a
dispatch runner), stumbled across a seriously wounded officer left out in
the open.
Along with a friend, he
managed to pull the wounded man back to safety. Hitler received his
award in December 1914. The action at the First Ypres decimated his
regiment. Hitler wrote to his Munich landlord reporting that only 600
men were left out of approximately 3500. Colonel List was among the
It is easy to forget that
the phrase 'over by Christmas', although seen today as insanely naïve,
really was the expectation that the 1914 volunteers took with them to war.
The realisation that the conflict was to be longer than expected came as a
deep blow to the morale of the fighting men. The foot-soldier was now
fighting a war of willpower, nerves and stamina. Hitler, unlike many
of his compatriots, had recognised this fairly early on.
Aiming to recapture the
initiative, the Germans launched another assault at Ypres about a month
after Neuve Chapelle. The
Second Battle
of Ypres brought a new low to warfare. It was the first occasion
that a modern nation employed
poison gas
to kill its enemies. The List Regiment, having suffered from the
battering of Neuve Chapelle, was used primarily in a support role.
Hitler, from all the
surviving (and un-doctored) accounts of him, was something of an enigma to
his mucking in pals. He refused to behave like a normal soldier, in
that he never requested leave and refrained from entering into bawdy talk
concerning the local girls. His greatest pleasures were to either
paint trench scenes or spend time eating bread piled high with jam. At
one point he befriended a dog called Fox (Hitler had a great affinity with
canines). He was distraught when the dog was either lost or stolen.
Now and then he'd
pontificate upon the evils of smoking and drinking - hardly a cause
endearing to the average soldier. At points he drove many to the edge
of distraction, especially when it came to his political 'lectures'.
Listening to his rants on Marxist conspiracies and Jewish plots, whilst
stuck in a dug-out on the receiving end of an Allied bombardment, would have
made any man despair.
In the art of soldiering,
Hitler was a consummate professional, and this gained him a great amount of
respect with his comrades. It took nerves of steel to rush, deliver
and return with staff messages in the midst of a heavy barrage.
Hitler's survival against suicidal odds gave him a certain mystique in the
eyes of his comrades.
regards to the question of survival and fate (a matter that plagued every
protagonists mind), there were two veins of thought. Many believed in
luck. Chaos and random factors dictated the chances of living and the
chances of dying. Others saw the hand of providence behind almost
every major sequence of events.
Hitler, given his
personality, became obsessed (obsessed even in the eyes of fellow veterans!)
with an idea that he was being
preserved by a divine force. Later, as Fuhrer, he would emphasise a
number of examples that backed his beliefs. In the first case, Hitler
recalled how a mysterious voice had told him to leave a crowded dugout
during a minor barrage. Within minutes of walking out into the
trenches an incoming shell flattened the bunker killing all of its
Instead of pulling the
trigger, the Englishman let him go - a moment of compassion that perversely
sentenced the world to further suffering. Hitler, having seen Tandey lower
his rifle, felt that the gods of war had intervened on his behalf and,
strange as it may seem, had a picture of his 'saviour' hung on a wall at
Berchtesgaden (for further information on this bizarre episode
click here).
Of all the battles that
Hitler took part in, it was the
Somme that
affected him the most. The Somme was to become a defining moment in
the history of Britain - when blind faith in the righteousness of King and
Country was lost forever amid bullets, barbed wire and corpses. But
the Somme also damaged the German national psyche.
One of the battle's
greatest myths claims that the Kaiser's soldiers were hunkered down in
bunkers impervious to the Allied bombardment - and that is how the British
saw it. Believing the enemy had been annihilated, they were shocked to
find that the Germans had not only survived but were able to resist the
attacks. 'Shellproof' bunkers became the only possible explanation for
While it is true that the
Germans were in well built defences, it is just as true that the heaviest of
British shells could obliterate pretty much anything in their path -
including most bunkers. The Germans were subjected to one of the
world's heaviest bombardments. It is impossible to know just how many
dug-outs became tombs. The noise alone put fear of God into the
soldiers and this was combined with the knowledge that an incoming shell
could bring instant death; no wonder many men were driven out of their
It became a question of mental toughness. If enough men remained alive
and sane, then the trenches could be held and re-enforcements brought up to
face the onslaught. The tactic, as the British found out, worked.
The German death rate skyrocketed when the High Command ordered frivolous
counter-attacks to retake what had became a scorched wasteland. These
troops were mown down in exactly the same fashion as their British
counterparts - except their suffering has been overshadowed.
On 7 October, 1916, whilst stationed near Bapaume, Hitler received a severe
wound to the leg resulting from a shell blast. He was sent to
convalesce at Beelitz, near Berlin. When he was well enough he visited
the nation's capital for a spot of sight-seeing. By now the city was
suffering from acute food shortages. Basic supplies of meat were a luxury
item. Long hours under intense manual strain and on empty stomachs
were too much for many munitions workers - strikes became inevitable.
These shortages of rations, and in-turn munitions, were, if anything, the
real causes behind Germany's defeat. Yet Hitler, an eye-witness to
much of this, still labelled the public as cowards and
Declared fit for light duties, Hitler was posted to the List Regiment's
Reserve Battalion station back in Munich. Although he was happy to be
'home', he despaired of the civilians for their defeatist attitudes.
The lack of morale, the lack of action and the lack of camaraderie depressed
him. He later wrote, "I could not tolerate this squabbling among
people of the same German stock." He applied for frontline duties.
By February 1917 he returned to his unit to the utter astonishment of
surviving comrades.
Hitler had returned just in time to feel the full weight of the British
offensive at Arras and then the
Third Ypres,
the muddy holocaust fought in and around Passchendaele. Once again
Hitler performed his duties with determination and bravery. He was
awarded a number of citations as well, including the Military Cross 3rd
Class with Swords. A decorated veteran like Hitler was well within his
rights to apply for promotion. But he displayed a distinct lake of
enthusiasm - Hitler preferred to remain in the role that had assured him
glory and respect.
One of the greatest events to alter the war on the Western Front actually
happened far away in the East. With the
toppled and the Bolsheviks in disarray, the Germans
their terms on Russia. With the Eastern Front secured, men,
material and machinery was transported to the West in preparation for a
grand breakthrough. The German Army, confident of success in 1918, was
infused with a new espirit de corps.
Hitler was positively
chaffing at the bit by the spring of 1918: "It was my luck that I was able
to take part in the first two offensives and in the final offensive.
These have left stupendous impressions on my life." But was he right
to feel confident? True, the German Army was well prepared and its
morale was indeed high. They were even employing new tactics - the
core component of which were small teams of highly manoeuvrable, but well
armed shock troops. Yet behind all of this lurked impending disaster -
it was Germany's last throw of the dice, and most in High Command knew it.
The List Regiment was
thrown into the fight to re-take Chemin Des Dames. By late June,
German forces were
on the Marne
and within striking distance of the French capital. But it was all a
pipe dream. Even if the Germans had made it to Paris, they would still
have to take the city and, as the Second World War went on to show, taking
vast urban areas was usually a nightmare for the attacking side.
Together with American men and material, it was only a matter of time before
the Allies unleashed a vast counter-attack. To put it bluntly, the
German offensive, whilst spectacular, was never going to be enough.
On 4 August 1918, with the Germans in the last throes of their grand
offensive, Hitler received an Iron Cross 1st Class for, 'personal bravery
and general merit.' He had single handily captured a group of
Frenchmen huddled in a shell hole. Cunningly, Hitler had crawled to
the lip of their impromptu shelter and then shouted out to the men that they
were surrounded and had better surrender. Duped by his ruse, the
Frenchmen came along without a fight. Once in power, the Nazi
propagandists explicitly increased the number of prisoners he had captured -
a mistake that the Fuhrer was happy to leave uncorrected.
By late September the German front was beginning to unravel. The
over-extended army was fighting for its life just as the Allies were about
to launch the 'Big Push'. British and French experience, combined with
American vigour was an inexorable force. The Germans reeled back from
punch after punch. Although the Kaiser's troops were aware of the
precarious nature of things, very few realised that the military machine was
about to break down for good.
The German authorities had
done well to hide the facts not just from the public but the politicians
too. On 2 October members of the Reichstag were astounded when
informed that peace negotiations were almost inevitable. Morale on the
Home Front, already damaged, quickly collapsed. It was simply a case
of speeding up the inevitable. There was no secret cabal of traitors
pulling invisible strings - German defeatism was an organic force.
The poison deprived him of his sight and on the following day his ability to
stand. He was sent back to recover at Pasewalk - and it was there that
his war ended.
Hitler's First World War
career as a soldier was not only unusual but, as unpalatable as it
may be, commendable. Not once did he shirk or shy away from danger.
His bravery won him numerous citations and awards, including the Iron Cross
First Class. But festering under this façade of military prowess was a
putrid mass of extremism, hair-brained scientific ideas and twisted racial
theories. In exploring Hitler's Great War we have seen the emergence
of these demons - from the ramblings of a down-and-out to the rants of a
soldier who was now able to exploit his proud military record for political
means, and thus command the respect of his peers.
On November 10, the pride
of his war experience was combined with the bitterness of defeat. It
was a lethal cocktail - one that led him to pursue power and ultimately, the
Third Reich. 1914-1918 was, for Hitler and his Nazi henchmen, not only
unfinished business, but a blueprint on how to conduct the titanic struggles
of the future. Thus the embers of one war ignited the fuse of another.
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